Sunday 4 September 2016

Love Scam: A Real Life Story


Ever heard of Nev Schulman? The guy who decided to do a TV show, usually airs on MTV, after he himself was caught in an internet deceit? No?

Well, here is the story.

In 2010, Nev Schulman met Megan Faccio through mutual friends on Facebook. The two quickly connected through flirty messages and lengthy phone calls and decided to give it a shot although they haven't met in person. As time passed by, Nev developed a sense suspiciousness in this new love affair and decided to give his lover a surprise visit in a rural area in Michigan. He brought along his brother and a friend to capture it all on film. To his surprise, he didn't meet the girl of his dreams but instead came face to face with a 'catfish' name Angela Wesselman-Pierce.

Left: Megan Faccio; Right: Angela Wesselman Pierce, who made faccio up.

When confronted on why she did it? Angela claimed that the fake profile, along with other fake profiles to make her persona seemed legit, represented her life in which she wished she had. Nev then interviewed her husband on the possible reasons for this disgusting and despicable act. The husband, Vince, referring to her as 'catfish' said that this was necessary in order to keep marketable 'cods' active while in transit by the fishers. In other words, he meant that Angela, kept people active which was a sick attempt.

Nev Schulman is now engaged to girlfriend Laura Perlongo and are getting married soon. They announced that they are expecting a baby girl.

Nev Schulman still continues to produce and host the show Catfish (currently season 5) along with his friend Max Joseph. This show is to help people who are potentially the prey or victim of online love scam.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i have watched this show before. it is very interesting and by the end of the show it always makes me wonder what is the end result. these guys are doing a good deed indeed.
